Back to Basics Living

Skyhorse's home for gardening, cooking, crafting, carpentry, and more

About the Authors

Abigail R. Gehring is the Managing Editor of Skyhorse Publishing and the author or editor of six books on country living skills. She’s practiced aspects of self-sufficient living since her childhood in Vermont as a homeschooler who spent time helping to build a log cabin, home-canning jams and jellies, and enjoying natural crafts. She’s also the author of Odd Jobs and Dangerous Jobs. She and her husband, Tim, are in the early stages of building a home in Windham, Vermont. Until the house is complete (it may be a while), they enjoy their post-and-beam construction cottage, which is heated with a woodstove and utilizes a solar panel for electricity. Abigail loves chopping wood, running, yoga, new challenges of [almost] any kind, experimenting with gluten-free baking, learning about alternative health practices, and sharing ideas.



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