Back to Basics Living

Skyhorse's home for gardening, cooking, crafting, carpentry, and more


We took advantage of the beautiful weather this past weekend to paint the office. We chose a color called “new squash” (as opposed to rotten squash?)–it’s a light golden yellow, the color of maple wood that’s just been cut, before it’s been weathered by rain or baked by the sun. We bought two gallons, which was almost enough. Perhaps if I hadn’t dripped so much on the ground (and on the dog, who insisted on lying right under where I was working), it would have been perfect, but we ended up with one small section left to complete.

Since this is the first time you’re seeing the office, you should know that it’s post-and-beam construction. Tim milled all the lumber using our new (used) sawmill, so the only materials not coming from our land are the nails, windows, and roof. Stay tuned for a short video showing how he did it!

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